When a credit card is declined it means that we did not obtain an authorization number from your credit card company to complete the transaction. A credit card can be declined for a number of reasons such as insufficient funds or incorrect information. Please make sure when making your online purchase that you enter all credit card and all personal information correctly. Any slight discrepancy can lead to your credit card being declined. If your order is repeatedly declined, you may choose to use a different credit card. Paysystems Users Online Very simply! You can view or change your billing information through myPaySystems. Simply click on View/Update Billing Information, enter your login information and follow the easy steps. Click here to begin. Update your billing information: https://cardholder.paysystems.com/authentication.pay?redirect_to=order_details.pay By Phone You can call Paysystems Customer Service department at 1-888-751-0744 and a rep. will update it for you. PayPal Users Online Very simply! You can view or change your billing information through Your Paypal account. Click here to begin. |