3dstats Log In

Q. What might cause the system to reject my account number or password?

A: Your browser must accept 3dstats cookies. Your 3dstats cookies may be corrupted! To remedy this problem delete your 3dstats cookies, or use a different browser

Click here to delete your 3dstats cookies.

A. You may have cached an outdated 3dstats that includes code that blocks you from entering our system. To remedy this problem, please use a different browser, or clear your cache. Remember to close all browsers before accessing 3dstats again.

Q. How do I clear my cache?

Microsoft® Internet Explorer:
From the top menu items, go to Tools, then Internet Options. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click the Delete Files button. Click OK, and OK again on the Internet Options box.
Netscape® Navigator:
From the top menu items, go to Edit, then Preferences. Under Category, click the plus sign next to Advanced, and click Cache. Click the Clear Memory Cache and Clear Disk Cache buttons.

Q. How do I delete cookies?

A. To remove 3dstats cookies:
Microsoft® Internet Explorer:
Look in the COOKIES folder (C:\Windows\Cookies) for the files userid@cgi-bin[#], and userid@3dstats[#]. DELETE THOSE FILES.
Netscape® Navigator:
Look for a single file cookies.txt in the Netscape folder or sub-folder. Look for the lines starting with 3dstats.com/cgi-bin, and DELETE THESE LINES. Then save the cookies.txt file.
Microsoft® Internet Explorer for Macintosh:
From the top menu items, go to Edit, and select Preferences from the menu items. Click Cookies, and scroll down the list, looking for 3dstats and cgi cookies. Select and delete.
Netscape® Navigator for Macintosh:
Find the magic cookie files in the System folder (there may be more than one), and delete them.